Real Estate Network of Empowered Women Q&A with Michael Lucarelli and Lauren Martin

The below is a Q&A with RentSpree CEO Michael Lucarelli and Account Manager and RENEW founder, Lauren Martin.

January 18, 2023

3 min read


RENEW by RentSpree aims to help change the lack of women in leadership roles within real estate and foster a community that looks to elevate female voices. This initiative will promote knowledge-sharing on how to navigate industry challenges and to showcase the remarkable achievements of women in real estate. RENEW’s mission is to connect and champion female professionals across all sectors of the real estate industry nationwide.

Michael: What were your main takeaways from the inaugural RENEW breakfast at the sidelines of NAR in November? Did anything particular stand out?

Lauren: It was so special to see this many women across the industry come to our event. A few things stood out to me. Many expressed a desire to feel more connected and supported and to be more represented at industry events such as on panels. All of them were also looking for more information and resources regarding safety topics. It was also exciting to hear how many were interested in doing co-branded events because they felt they wanted their organizations to be involved in this initiative.

Michael: What was the impetus and idea behind RENEW?

Lauren: It has always been my calling to find girl power in the world. My career started in the fashion industry which has a decent amount of women representation. So when I came to the real estate and proptech space, I felt this girl power was hiding in a way. This industry has such a huge amount of fantastic women but we need to help empower them to be better represented across all levels, and I think RENEW can help facilitate that necessary change.

Michael: What is it that you are hoping to accomplish and how is this different from some other programs already out there?

Lauren: A lot of programs are very niche and focused on specific industry segments. We wanted to create a program that encompasses women across the whole spectrum and connects people who otherwise might not meet. We all bring very unique perspectives and experiences to the table, so connecting women across the entire space can be really powerful.

Michael: What can people expect from this program?

Lauren: We are planning inspiring in-person and virtual events throughout the year that are meant to be educational and fun. Many of the women at the kick-off expressed interest in co-brand events. Please reach out if this is of interest to you. We are looking to do podcasts with women talking about their personal journeys and experiences. We’re starting a newsletter to keep everyone informed and connected, plus much more.

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