Easy real estate commission calculator

After a successful negotiation, you may be left wondering how much you can expect to earn on the transaction. Our real estate commission calculator helps you determine how much you’ll make from commission, market trends, and frequently asked questions related to real estate commissions.

June 13, 2024

4 min read

Cap Rate Calculator

rentspree illustration of calculator

How to use

Enter information in the boxes below to calculate the comparative value of a piece of property in order to determine if it would be a good investment for you.

Property Value

Anything you make a profit from that has to do with the property

Yearly earnings

Anything you make a profit from that has to do with the property
Total A:



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Yearly Expenses

Anything you make a profit from that has to do with the property
Total B:



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Cap rate



Cap rate



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Commission Calculator

How to use

Enter information in the boxes below to calculate the comparative value of a piece of property in order to determine if it would be a good investment for you.

Property Price


Commission Percentage

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Total Commission



Commission for Each Agent



Total Amount Seller Receives



Rent to Income Ratio Calculator

How to use

Enter information in the boxes below to calculate the comparative value of a piece of property in order to determine if it would be a good investment for you.

Rent-to-Income Ratio Calculator

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Rent-to-Income Ratio:



Move-in Move-out Calculators

Move-In Calculator

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1st Month's Prorated Rent:



Additional Move-In Costs (optional)

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Total Move-In Cost:



Move-out Calculator

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Move-Out Prorated Rent:



As a real estate agent, knowing how much you'll be paid after a successful deal is a crucial part of running your business. A real estate commission calculator can be an invaluable tool, simplifying the process of determining your earnings from each transaction. In this comprehensive guide we’ll delve into everything you need to know about our easy-to-use real estate commission calculator, the math behind commission rates, and how to calculate your earnings from future deals.

Key features of a commission calculator

Before we dive into how to use a real estate commission calculator, here’s a look at some of the features you can use to accurately calculate your earnings.

Commission rate input: This feature allows you to input the agreed-upon commission rate, which is usually a percentage of the property’s sale price.

Sale price input: You can enter the final sale price of the property to determine how much you’ll ultimately earn.

Split commission: For transactions involving multiple agents (such as a buyer's agent and a seller's agent), this feature will split the commission according to predefined percentages.

Brokerage split: Many calculators offer the option to input the brokerage split,or the portion of the commission that goes to you as the agent versus the brokerage.

Additional fees and deductions: Some calculators allow for the inclusion of various fees and deductions, providing a more accurate net commission figure.

Benefits of using a commission calculator


Manual calculations can be prone to errors, especially when dealing with large numbers, extraneous fees, or multiple splits. Using a calculator, however, ensures that you're accounting for all factors when you make your calculations, saves you time and helps you avoid costly mistakes.


Calculating commissions manually can be time-consuming. But with a commission calculator, you can speed up the process so you can focus more on client interactions and closing deals instead.


When you use a commission calculator, you can clearly show  all parties involved in the transaction how the final commission was tallied. For example, you can easily show your clients how your commission is determined, which can build trust and credibility.

Financial planning

Knowing your expected commission allows you to forecast your income, manage your expenses, and plan your business strategies effectively. 

How the real estate agent commission calculator works

The real estate commission calculator uses a simple equation: The agreed-upon payment percentage (or commission rate) divided by 100 then multiplied by the price of the property. For example, if a homeowner sells their home for $200,000, and the commission rate is 5%, the agent’s commission would be (5/100) x 200,000 = $10,000.

It’s important to remember that commission is included in the cost of sale—it’s not an extra fee. In the example above, the homeowner receives $190,000 for the sale and the other $10,000  automatically goes toward a commission for the agents or brokers involved.‍

In some cases, the commission is not set at an even rate. For example, an agent may charge an 8% commission for the first $100,000 and 4% for the rest. To calculate this uneven rate, you can simply break it into two equations and then add together the results to find the total rate.

(8/100) x 100,000 = $8,000

(4/100) x 100,000 = $4,000

8,000 + 4,000 = $12,000 total commission

Example of a real estate agent commission split calculator

Calculating the real estate agent commission split is very simple. Typically, the agent/broker representing the seller and the agent/broker representing the buyer will split the total commission 50/50. There are two methods to go about calculating this split rate, which we’ll demonstrate using the same numbers from above:

Assuming the homeowner sells their home for $200,000 and the commission rate stays at 5%:

  1. Take the total commission rate and divide it by 2
  2. (5/100) x 200,000 = 10,000
  3. 10,000/2 = $5,000 commission for each agent
  4. Calculate using half of the agreed-upon percentage
  5. 5/2 = 2.5%
  6. (2.5/100) x 200,000 = $5,000 commission for each agent

Understanding the average commission rate and market trends

To ensure you’re getting a good rate, it’s important to have a thorough understanding of your market and keep up to date on industry trends. According to data from Clever, the current national average commission rate is 5.49%. However, it’s important to remember that this rate can vary widely depending on factors such as location, property type, and market conditions. As a real estate agent, having a solid grasp of the prevailing commission rates in your area enables you to accurately assess your potential earnings and negotiate effectively with clients.

Commission rates can also fluctuate because of market trends, including supply and demand dynamics, economic conditions, and regulatory changes. For instance, in a seller's market where demand outstrips supply, commission rates may be higher as agents capitalize on the favorable conditions to maximize their earnings. Conversely, in a buyer's market characterized by abundant inventory and sluggish demand, commission rates may be lower as agents compete for a smaller pool of transactions.

So how do you stay informed about average commission rates and market trends? You can leverage various resources and tools such as industry publications, market reports, and professional networks to gain valuable insights. Additionally, technology-driven platforms and software solutions often offer data analytics and market intelligence tools that can help you track commission rates, analyze market trends, and make data-driven decisions.

Practical tips for using a commission calculator

Keep information up-to-date: Always verify that the commission rates, brokerage splits, and any other relevant data are up-to-date before running your calculations.

Review entries: Even though calculators reduce errors, you can double-check your entries for accuracy by running the calculation again or manually crunching the numbers.

Use scenarios for planning: Utilize the calculator to run different scenarios, such as changes in sale prices or commission rates, to understand their impact on your earnings.

Educate clients: Use the calculator to inform your clients on how commissions are structured, helping them recognize the value of your services.

Common mistakes to avoid

Ignoring additional fees: To avoid overestimating your net commission, account for all additional fees and deductions such as the cost of marketing your listings on an MLS, brokerage fees, and taxes, etc.

Incorrect split percentages: Verify that the split percentages between agents and brokerages are correctly entered.

Not considering tax implications: Remember that commissions are subject to taxes. While commission calculators typically don't account for taxes, keep this in mind for your financial planning.

Take the guesswork out of commission calculations

RentSpree’s free real estate commission calculator empowers you to focus more on serving your clients and closing deals. You can use it to:

  • Streamline your financial planning
  • Ensure accuracy in your earnings projections
  • Accommodate various commission structures and splits

Ready to get started? Use our calculator above to discover your earning potential on your next deal.

Real estate commission calculator FAQ’s

What is a realtor’s commission on a million-dollar home?

Assuming an average commission rate of 5%, a realtor’s commission on a million-dollar home is  $25,000. You can calculate this using one of the methods above:

  • (5%/100) x 1,000,000 = $50,000 total commission
  • $50,000/2 = $25,000 commission per realtor

Note that this amount will change depending on the agreed-upon commission percentage.

How much do high-end real estate agents make?

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the top 10% of real estate agents made more than $160,980 as of May 2023. Other research indicates that the typical annual income for a real estate agent in the United States spans from $48,000 to $196,000.

Do realtors ever lower their commission?

Realtors do lower their commission depending on economic trends. A housing boom will typically correspond with lower commission rates while a recession may lead to higher rates. However, it’s important to note that these are trends on a grand scale. On a personal level, realtors are much less likely to lower their rates for individual clients. 

Are commissions paid on gross or net?

Commissions are paid on the gross value of the home. This means that the rate is calculated using the property value before taxes and other fees are deducted from the total amount. Once you’re finished checking out the real estate commission calculator, head over to our cap rate calculator to learn about this important home valuing metric. 

Who pays the realtor commission?

Typically, it's the property owner who bears the rental commission cost in most markets. Nevertheless, there are instances where the rental commission is evenly divided, 50-50, between the landlord and the tenant. However, in the for-sale real estate market, the seller typically pays the realtor's commission fee.

What happens to an agent’s commission in the event of a failed transaction? 

Usually, real estate agents only receive payment upon the successful completion of a sale. However, there are particular circumstances where the seller might still be liable to pay the broker's fee even if the sale falls through. While these instances are uncommon, they can occur if the seller:

  • Reverses their decision and declines to proceed with the sale
  • Encounters complications due to a spouse's refusal to sign the deed (if that spouse initially signed the listing contract)
  • Faces unresolved title issues
  • Participates in fraudulent activities related to the transaction
  • Fails to provide possession to the buyer within a reasonable timeframe
  • Insists on terms not outlined in the listing contract
  • Agrees with the buyer to mutually terminate the transaction
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